Calling All Members to Take Part in Al-Anon’s Latest Membership Survey!

Who can participate? All members from the US, Canada, PR, and Bermuda. The survey is offered in English, Spanish, and French.

Why should I participate? This survey helps raise awareness of Al-Anon Family Groups among professionals by providing evidence-based data that shows the effectiveness of our program. This information helps doctors, therapists and other professionals to refer their patients and clients to Al-Anon. Their referrals help more families of alcoholics to start attending Al-Anon.

How long does it take? About 15 to 30 minutes

How do I participate?

  • Access from any computer, tablet, or mobile phone with internet connection
  • Click here or type in your favorite browser
  • Encourage other members to take the survey

When can I participate?

  • January 10, 2018 through February 27, 2018 11:59 pm ET

What about my anonymity?  The study is conducted on an anonymous basis. Members’ names and e-mail addresses are NOT requested or stored. Participants are asked to provide their zip/postal code, city, state/province to help us analyze the data by geography and country.

Al-Anon’s Conference Approved Membership Survey has been conducted by the WSO once every three years since 1984. The 2018 study marks our twelfth study.