Al-Anon Family Group Mobile App
Release Notes – September 2022
ADDED: Landscape mode compatibility.
ADDED: New customizable landing page with shortcuts to your favorite features within the app.
ADDED: Ability to “Star” your favorite meetings and your favorite pieces of premium content.
ADDED: Ability to set reminders on your favorite meetings to send you a notification when the meeting starts.
ADDED: Ability to highlight, bold, underline, and italicize your favorite quotes in premium content.
ADDED: Bilingual meetings can be searched for in both languages.
ADDED: Ability to remove your profile picture.
ADDED: Welcome page with links to resources for newcomers.
ADDED: Ability to comment and react to other comments within a post on the news feed.
ADDED: Ability to edit and delete your comments on posts.
ADDED: Persistent notifications within the app to identify unread chat messages, premium content, and notifications.
ADDED: Accessibility features to make it easier for our members who are hearing or visually impaired.
ADDED: Chat preview to allow you to quickly scan the group and private chat lists to see who sent the last message along with the first part of the message.
UPDATED: The hamburger menu which also includes links to the Calendar and WSO Virtual Tour.
UPDATED: Increased character count on posts, comments, chats and journals to 5,000 characters and included a character counter.
UPDATED: The blue button to give it functionality based on the page: if you’re on the news feed, the blue button will open the create post box, if you’re on the meeting page it will open the meeting filter.
RELABELED: Al‑Anon posts to WSO Posts to reflect these are articles specifically from the World Service Office.