Al-Anon Family Group Mobile App 

Release Notes – May 24, 2021 

UPDATED: Terms of Use to include a section on Inappropriate Content.

IMPROVEMENT: Opened the “My Timeline” to include posts by all members in the app with the Post Visibility = Everyone. You will still be able view posts from just your connected friends under the “Friends Post” tab.

NEW: Added Post Visibility controls in Settings to allow you to control if your posts are displayed in “My Timeline” to Everyone in the app or just your Friends in the app.
NEW: Added content filters to prevent inappropriate words from being posted.
NEW: Added the ability to flag inappropriate content.
NEW: Added ability to block a user; preventing the user from sending a chat message and blocks the user's posts from your timeline.
NEW: Members names in “My Timeline” are now clickable and will take you to the members’ profile page.

FIXED: Members may now edit their display name.
FIXED: A cropping issue with photos on Android where the images were cut off.
FIXED: An issue preventing the Friends Post tab from scrolling beyond 10 posts on iOS.
FIXED: Friend Request notifications will now take you directly to the request to accept or reject.