Take advantage of everything the 2023 Al‑Anon International Convention has to offer by adding a ticket to the Day of Connecting or the Trailblazers Breakfast on Route 66—or both!
Day of Connecting
This pre-convention event on Thursday, June 29, celebrates the third leg of our recovery, service! Spend the day alongside Trustees, Executive Committee members, World Service Office Staff, and Area Delegates in various sessions and workshops. Hear an Al‑Anon-friendly professional share how they learned about the Al‑Anon program and about their experience referring clients to Al‑Anon. Tickets are $55 US and include lunch.
Trailblazers Breakfast on Route 66!
Formerly known as the Pioneer Luncheon, this event on Saturday, July 1, celebrates Al‑Anon Trailblazers. We’ll honor longtime members as well as those blazing trails on the digital frontier. Tickets are $75 US and include breakfast.
Be sure to add these events when you register at al-anon.org/international
Already registered? Simply click on the “To view your statement, please click: HERE” link at the bottom of your registration confirmation email to add these exciting events.
In The Loop, February 2023
Arkansas is going to be well represented in Albuquerque this year! I am thrilled I will be able to participate in all of the events offered! I look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones!
Will be attending the Convention with a bunch of us from South Africa. Cant wait to meet all our Zoompals!
Can’t wait to meet you at the Convention. See you in June.
Very interested in attending. I’ve always wanted to see that part of the country and this would be a great reason to do that. I would be going solo.
I’m excited to attend, but wanted to meet other people who are attending so I’m not alone.
I’m coming! So excited to connect and make a first trip to Albuquerque