Part of the registration process for Al‑Anon electronic groups is determining whether a group wants to register with the geographic Area or with the Global Electronic Area (GEA). The questions below can be used to guide the group in making an informed decision.

  • What audience is the group seeking to attract? Are you hoping for members from nearby geographically or around the world?
  • Where does the group want to vote and contribute: in its geographic Area or in the GEA?
  • Does the group want its meeting information included on both plus a local website such as an Al‑Anon Information Service or District meeting directory, or does it prefer to appear only on the global electronic meeting search on
  • Is the geographic Area in which the group is based accepting electronic groups, and does the Area have a process in place to connect the group to the links of service?

Discussing these questions in a business meeting will help the group decide where to register. Don’t hesitate to contact your Area Group Records Coordinator, District Representative, or the World Service Office to answer any additional questions that might arise.

The Forum, October 2024

“Inside Al-Anon Family Groups” presents news, policy, and commentary from volunteers, staff, and readers sharing experience through service. Please feel free to reprint these articles on your service structure website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.