The tenth European Zonal Meeting (EZM) took place in Paris, France, September 1–3, 2023, and was hosted by the Al‑Anon General Service Office (GSO) in France. With one in training, three World Service Office Staff (WSO) members joined 28 International Delegates representing 18 European structures for a weekend of service and collaboration.

The mission of the EZM is to improve cooperation between European structures in order to support growth of Al‑Anon and Alateen in Europe. Delegates may represent a national service structure/GSO, an evolving service structure, or groups without a service structure. The EZM meets every other year, and the theme for 2023 was “The Al‑Anon Declaration.”

Presentations included “Service: Encouraging Engagement and Rotation” by members from Slovenia, “Public Outreach: Your Social Media Experience” by the UK/Eire Delegate, and “Regrowing Al‑Anon Post-Pandemic” presented by members from Finland. Sarah S., Director of Programs, shared a presentation about the Alateen Feasibility Project, and Vali F., Executive Director, and Tanya J., Associate Director—International, tag-teamed on sharing WSO updates. The next EZM will be hosted by the Al‑Anon structure in Italy in 2025.

The Forum, February 2024

“Inside Al-Anon Family Groups” presents news, policy, and commentary from volunteers, staff and readers sharing experience through service. Please feel free to reprint these articles on your service structure website or newsletter, along with this credit line: Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA.