We have updated our profile content to include articles and videos with relevant testimonials from professionals. They share about the effects of alcoholism on the families and friends of drinkers and how Al-Anon Family Groups help clients recover from the effects of alcoholism on the family.
Service arms are welcome to add al-anon.org/linkedin to printed outreach materials, such as posters and business cards, so professionals can easily find us. Links to our profile can also be added to Area, District, and Al‑Anon Information Service (AIS) websites using https://www.linkedin.com/company/al-anon-wso/.
Together we can increase visibility of Al-Anon and ensure that it is recognized as the number one resource worldwide for anyone suffering from a loved one’s alcoholism.
For your convenience, we are including the LinkedIn logo, which can be used to link to the Al‑Anon LinkedIn page:
This is a wonderful way to let people know about Al-Anon. It reminds me that in Al-Anon, as a member, I am anonymous while the program is not.