Like many Al‑Anon members, I have often joked that while I am asleep, elves visit my bookshelf and change the wording in my Al‑Anon literature. Pages I am sure I never read before suddenly appear in my careworn copy of One Day at a Time in Al‑Anon (B-6) on the exact day I need to hear a particular message. Words I hadn’t noticed the last time I read Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses (B-29) or As We Understood . . . (B-11) now appear bold-faced or italicized. This is in addition to the fact that my books often open to the page I need to read but don’t know it yet.
Thanks to Al‑Anon, I am better able to separate fantasy from reality today. I can look beyond this humorous fantasy that our literature has a life of its own to acknowledge that as I grow in willingness and humility—and as I continue to reread my literature—I notice things that went right over my head the first time. Once I can move past my denial, I am helped by ideas I once thought only applied to everyone else. I am slowly becoming more open to the guidance of a Power greater than myself that anonymously directs me to the perfect reading for where I am today. I have changed a great deal thanks to Al‑Anon, whether or not the literature has changed at all.
An additional reality, however, is that just as I have grown, so has our fellowship, and with it our Conference Approved Literature (CAL). When I joined Al‑Anon, there were very few other men at meetings, and the handful of book titles in print reflected the time they were written in, including the fact that most members were the wives of A.A. members. As more members from different backgrounds joined Al‑Anon, our literature began to mirror these changes, covering a broader base. But not all of the literature changes concerned gender or one’s relationship to the alcoholic. Some pertained to the use of more constructive, positive wording and further emphasis that we were not responsible for anyone else’s drinking or thinking. Since Al‑Anon’s beginning, its literature has been a living, breathing entity, constantly in motion. Our first book, The Al‑Anon Family Groups (B-5) changed several times in its first five years, including a title change to Living with an Alcoholic—with the Help of Al‑Anon. Our third book, The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B-4), underwent a major expansion within four years of its first printing.
But how did these changes come about? Who is responsible for making sure the words of our literature accurately reflect our membership? Just as Al‑Anon literature is written by our members, suggestions for changes also come from the fellowship. Each quarter, the volunteer Literature Committee meets via conference call. Among other responsibilities, the Committee reviews and discusses suggestions for changes to existing literature that have been submitted by Al‑Anon members. But the Committee is not a decision-making body. It makes recommendations to the World Service Conference and the Board of Trustees and then carries out the decisions of the larger representative group conscience.
Major changes that involve rewriting material for changes in focus, audience, or intent from the original motion require a new motion from the World Service Conference. Revisions to update, clarify, or improve the flow without changing the intent, audience, or focus do not require a Conference motion. However, they still follow the involved CAL process, which includes scrupulous review by the Literature Committee, policy reviewers, and Staff. Housekeeping changes—updating addresses and phone numbers or correcting grammar and punctuation errors, for example—are handled by Staff.
Decisions by the Conference to give conceptual approval of major revisions are announced in the Conference Summary (P-46). When revisions are completed and available to the fellowship, they are announced in the Literature Committee report in the Conference Summary, The Forum, In the Loop, and in postings to Literature Coordinators and Literature Distribution Centers (LDCs). Minor revisions are also announced in the Conference Summary, Literature Coordinator and LDC updates, and The Forum. The Summary and all our newsletters are available on the Al‑Anon website at al‑
When reading our literature together at a meeting, some members get confused by the various printings that may have different wording. As is often said in Al‑Anon, today we have choices. Some groups pass around a single copy and listen to each other rather than follow in their own book. Others use group copies for the duration of the meeting. There are also some who find the changes to be a fascinating reminder that recovery is not some stationary thing that, once arrived at, remains frozen and never changing. I am very grateful to have learned that Al‑Anon literature really is alive and does indeed grow and change, but only to the extent that we do, as individuals and as a fellowship.
By Tom C., Associate Director—Literature
The Forum, October 2019
Thank you for providing this article! It’s an invaluable resource as I too have wondered what the processes are. (I’m a new member at Al-Anon, so learning lots of things step by step)
I totally agree with Cheryl C’s comment, which she put so eloquently 🙂
Thanks all
Thank you for the explanation of how our literature changes. I feel relief that such care is taken. This is another example of “Trust the Process”.
I want to commend you for your timely article on Conference Approved Literature, (October Forum, Inside Al-Anon). Our group has been questioning what to do about outdated literature (pamphlets, cards,etc.) in our library. I read your article: “Who Changes Our Literature and Why” as part of our meeting topic. It was quite informative and useful in clarifying and understanding the process. It made a good starting point to open up the discussion to get everyone’s viewpoint. It is an invaluable resource article. Thank you
Thank you Tom. I identified with seeing new things in time-worn literature. I’ve worn out my first copy of Courage to Change and had to buy another copy. I have a long-time habit of “dog-earing” pages that have particular meeting the day I read them. It’s been amazing to see how many dog ears appear as I go through the daily reader year-to-year. And it reinforces your point that with the re-reading, something becomes magically relevant and important that may not have seemed so the year or years before. Elves indeed! Thanks for your service and for a great article.
Thank you for the explanation about CAL. I will save this for when I’m inevitably asked about the origins and process. Appreciate you!🥰
I am grateful for the background as well as the loving care taken to make changes! I plan on sharing your article with my Step Study group as their Literature contact.
I love the literature! I only request that more be available in ebook form. My bookbag is too heavy and there are many more I’d like to read. Many newcomers, young and older have mentioned more ebooks would be lovely. Thank you
Thank you Tom for that interesting information, I’ll pass it on to my fellow members of my group in Guadalajara, Mexico.
I’m actually a literature sub coordinator of my district and I’m enjoying my service like a dog in a doggie park. I love it and I have learned so much since I had it. Thank you for your wonderful service. Blessings.
I love our literature. The process is so democratic,fair and inclusive. It’s amazing how much attention is paid to the detail, and most by volunteers/members being of service. Thank you so much!!
Tom your article about changes to the literature is invaluable.. thank you for your years of service.