Lois W. and the Pioneers Audio Interview

In June 1982, Lois W., Al‑Anon’s cofounder, met with Henrietta S., the first General Secretary of the Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, and Margaret D., the first Editor of The Forum. They shared their recollections of Al‑Anon’s early years in an interview that was later excerpted in the Lois W. & Pioneers DVD (AV-24). At a running time of 110 minutes, the recording is far more extensive and detailed than the 22-minute DVD version, and is presented here in two parts.

91-year old Lois talks about her early life and the eventful years that led to Al-Anon’s beginnings.
Part I (56 min.)

Lois, Henrietta, and Margaret describe the early days of the WSO Clearing House.
Part II (54 min.)