“Al‑Anon saved my life.”

I was in and out of Al‑Anon meetings for years. I rarely ever saw other men there, which was difficult. But for one hour I knew I felt safe and comfortable. It took a while before I finally put it together. When I kept coming to Al‑Anon meetings on a regular basis, I was healing and making positive changes in my life and my children’s lives. I learned to open my ears and shut my mouth. I soon found meetings that included more men as well. I found support inside and outside of the Al‑Anon rooms. Eventually, I learned to share my insights too. Now, I even attend all-male meetings occasionally. Al‑Anon saved my life. Today I make a point of reaching out to male newcomers and telling them to “keep coming back.” I want all newcomers to know that men and women alike are here to support them.

Dov L., Florida